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Alien vs. Predator Pinball

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Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE138%Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE3
38% • 5 / 13
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Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE162%Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE3
62% • 8 / 13
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Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE10%Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE3
0% • 0 / 13
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Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE10%Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE3
0% • 0 / 13
Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE10%Alien vs. Predator Pinball - Page 3 VOTE3
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Aliens vs. Pinball Re: Alien vs. Predator Pinball

Message par Veuve Pinsec Jeu 9 Avr 2020 - 15:25

Je suis retourné sur pfx 2 pour débloquer le succès qui me manquait sur la table :

c'est fait, et par la même occasion je bats mon record sur pfx 2:

Veuve Pinsec
Pinb'Olympics Master
Pinb'Olympics Master

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Aliens vs. Pinball Re: Alien vs. Predator Pinball

Message par wims Jeu 9 Avr 2020 - 18:31

Merci Veuve ! Top! Dommage qu'ils n'aient encore rien corrigé concernant le glithc sur PS3 ave FX3 :(

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Aliens vs. Pinball Re: Alien vs. Predator Pinball

Message par richc111 Dim 27 Mar 2022 - 0:53

Okay, so, I've never seen the film this pinball machine is based on, so I can't really discuss how the theme is integrated into this machine. But what I can say is that my god, Ndever was really going somewhere in 2016. The bumper glitch introduced in FX3, though it was thankfully fixed recently, once made this table unplayable for tournaments and it was quite a shame because I always looked forward to playing it.

The best way to describe Alien vs. Predator is simplicity, done well. All you need to do to start missions is shoot the alien target a few times, and you're set - and the missions are refreshingly simple to complete, too. It's fun seeing the return of upside-down pinball after Infinity Gauntlet did it, and Camouflage has some of the better, less intrusive visual effects I've seen. Really my only gripe is that the requirements for allies and hunting trophies to advance in rank are a bit too high, but I think they're weighted well with the scoring overall and this isn't a bad thing.

A great Ndever table and worthy of a 4/5 thanks to its stunning layout and rules. But this game is nothing compared to what they released right after this...
LUPien timide
LUPien timide

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