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Message par Cloda Jeu 7 Nov 2019 - 10:38

Creature from the Black Lagoon is not an overly complicated table, but it is quite difficult. I got the achievement on Classic Arcade and put up a decent score considering it is one of my first games on the table.

I don't have a particular strategy yet, but it is obviously a Jackpot and Super Jackpot heavy table that you need to maximise by activating the playfield x2 or x3 up the left ramp during multiball. I found a good way to start the table and that is by getting an easy extra ball by completing KISS twice (as shown at the start of the video). You also get an extra ball at six time KISS, so I don't mind if stray shots end up in there. Move your Car is also an easy 50 - 80 million, so you can spam that centre ramp until the day you die.

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Cloda's YouTube videos - Page 2 Empty Unabashedly rocking with the Monsters! Williams Monster Bash tips & strategy guide

Message par Cloda Jeu 14 Nov 2019 - 0:15

Here is my tips & strategy guide for Monster Bash on Classic Arcade based on my high score game of around 1.1 billion.  I got Monsters of Rock twice in this Monster Bash Classic Arcade game and the second time was worth so much more! In this guide I explain how to best approach the table to score big.  

Let me know what you or if you have any suggestions and I'll gladly consider it for future videos.  I'll see if I can post my Creature from the Black Lagoon video by the weekend as well.
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Cloda's YouTube videos - Page 2 Empty How to lure the Creature out! Creature from the Black Lagoon tips & strategy guide

Message par Cloda Lun 18 Nov 2019 - 12:55

In this tips & strategy video for Pinball FX3, Creature from the Black Lagoon, I explain the strategy I used for my 6.4 billion Classic Arcade game. I further show alternative strategies, and the differences, of which one is major, that makes Classic Single Player more difficult.

I'm firmly of the opinion, like with White Water, that Classic Single Player is actually harder than Classic Arcade because you can't control the balls as well during multiball. What is your experience with this?

Please let me know what you think of my strategy and the video and if you have any suggestions and I'll gladly see what I can do for my next video.

Dernière édition par Cloda le Lun 18 Nov 2019 - 13:27, édité 1 fois
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Message par wims Lun 18 Nov 2019 - 13:05

Thumb up ! Thanks Cloda Top!

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Message par Cloda Ven 29 Nov 2019 - 13:19

I finally Ruled the Universe on Pinball FX3 Attack from Mars in Classic Arcade! It was tough as nails, but I did it! In this tips & strategy video I show you my approach and give some practical tips along the way (including a shot options and shot tips section at the end). I hope with this video that I also motivate some of you to see if you can become Ruler of the Universe on this relentless and unforgiving table. I'm really looking forward to playing it once Zen has implemented the much-needed physics update but the sense of accomplishment I felt when I finally completed it will be hard to top in the future.

The order I approach the tasks required to reach Rule the Universe is to focus on the Conquer Mars (i.e. Saucer takedowns) task first. By the time you complete that you should have most of the other tasks completed especially 5-way Combo, Total Annihilation and Super Jets. If not, then I’ll aim to complete the remaining of those tasks first as they are interlinked to a degree i.e. the same shots can contribute to multiple tasks.

In earlier games I left starting the Multiball and getting the Super Jackpot task for later in the game, but recently I realised that if I can get it down close to the beginning (unlike what I did in this game), you can get that stress out of the way. If you missed it you'll have more time to relock balls again as it requires twice as many shots second time around. The Martian Attack and the Martian Multiball task you can trigger whilst completing the Conquer Mars task but often I still end up needing to complete it.
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Message par FunkySon Ven 29 Nov 2019 - 18:20

Always to the top ! Good job Cloda, and thank you !

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Message par wims Ven 29 Nov 2019 - 19:12

I havent listen all, but yes, you're always on the top !

I think to insert your videos at the end of the LUP's Club guides, with a special section named Colda's strategy if you are ok.

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Message par Cloda Ven 29 Nov 2019 - 19:46

wims a écrit:I havent listen all, but yes, you're always on the top !

I think to insert your videos at the end of the LUP's Club guides, with a special section named Colda's strategy if you are ok.

Thank you FunkySon! Wims, you are welcome to do so, thank you. It will be great!
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Message par wims Ven 29 Nov 2019 - 21:09

Top! I will do it soon ;)

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Message par Cloda Mer 11 Déc 2019 - 6:07

Of all the Williams tables releases on Pinball FX3 so far, Tales of the Arabian Nights is the only one I've ever played before. I had a great time playing it on Classic Arcade and got the achievement and broke a 100 million which is pretty good... I think ;-). I didn't expect it as I'm still figuring the table out, but the new too forgiving physics makes everything feel so much easier.

I look forward to putting in a much better effort once I understand the table better. So far I can say that it is definitely worth it to go for battle for the genie, but the table is also nicely so balanced so that you can build multipliers and end of ball bonus at the same time. A key aspect to the table appears to be that the End of Ball bonus is cumulative throughout the whole game! Extra balls are thus important and there are a few easy once to accumulate. I was one jewel away from battling the genie for a second time and really wanted to see if you then get double the victory award of 20 million. Hopefully next time ;-)
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Message par wims Mer 11 Déc 2019 - 10:29

Thanks Cloda and well done ! I've only tried TOTAN at this time and only Zen physic... what a wonderfull table.

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Message par Cloda Mar 17 Déc 2019 - 11:41

In this game on Cirqus Voltaire in Pinball FX3, I got the achievement, finished the wizard mode, and broke a 100 mil on Classic Arcade... now to figure out what the heck is actually going on, on the table!

The table is pretty straight forward so I must look a bit more in detail at the rules to see if a particular strategy will make the difference. Using multiballs to take down ringmasters might be a good idea, but... I absolutely suck at multiball on this table, so must figure out how I can improve there. I adopted a looser gameplay approach compared to what I usually do, but I have already learned to control the very bouncy ball better.
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Message par Cloda Mar 17 Déc 2019 - 11:42

Tales of the Arabian Nights, on Pinball FX3 Classic Arcade, plays relatively easily, but to maximise your scoring potential you need to make use of the nifty scoring design. In this tips & strategy guide, I show you a solid approach to ensure that the points keep on coming while you rescue the princess.

As I started playing the table, I immediately recognised similarities with Theatre of Magic (also by John Popadiuk) and it got me wondering if the same scoring mechanism is at play. Indeed, it is, but actually in a much more interesting, fun, and challenging way. It is simple in principle, accumulated end of ball bonus, but it is not all that straightforward to put into practice which adds to the fun 😉

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Message par Cloda Mar 7 Jan 2020 - 13:53

In this tips and strategy guide for Cirqus Voltaire in Pinball FX3 Classic Arcade, I manage to do both Join the Cirqus and the lucrative Ringmaster Battle twice. I hit the sweet-spot on the table and I'm quite chuffed that I can present this guide with me being in the top spot on the leaderboard at the making of this video!

The table is not very complicated but there are certain things that you have to concentrate on to ensure that you maximise your scoring opportunities and play as safe as possible. I aimed throughout the guide to point out all these little key strategy points that are required to build a big score.

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Message par wims Mar 7 Jan 2020 - 14:21

Good work Cloda, as usual Top!

I have to include your strategy guide for williams tables in our lup's club guides.

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Message par Cloda Mar 7 Jan 2020 - 14:56

wims a écrit:Good work Cloda, as usual Top!

I have to include your strategy guide for williams tables in our lup's club guides.

Thanks Wims ;-). More than welcome to add them!
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Message par Cloda Ven 7 Fév 2020 - 18:04

J'essaie quelque chose de nouveau, un format abrégé, où le guide ne durera que 5 à 10 minutes, mais où je renvoie également à la vidéo complète sur laquelle je base le guide (généralement mon jeu de classement Top 10 pour la table) .

Mon premier dans ce format est Fish Tales! Celui que j'aurais dû faire il y a longtemps car c'est la table libre. La raison pour laquelle je ne l'ai pas encore fait, c'est parce que je l'ai honnêtement aspiré jusqu'à récemment!

Il n'y a pas grand-chose à Fish Tales dans Pinball FX3 (Classic Arcade) autre que Jackpots et Super Jackpots mais dans ce guide, je vous montre quelques conseils, astuces et ma stratégie qui a fonctionné pour mon jeu à 1,1 milliard!

La vidéo complète du jeu de 15 minutes est disponible si vous souhaitez la regarder pour le contexte.

Veuillez me faire savoir ce que vous pensez et comment je peux l'améliorer! Tout commentaire sera très apprécié!

I'm trying something new, a shortened format, where the guide will be between 5 - 10 minutes only but where I also link to the full video that I base the guide on (usually my top scoring Top 10 leaderboard game for the table).

My first one in this format is Fish Tales!  The one I should have done a long time ago because it is the free table.  The reason why I haven't yet, is because I honestly sucked at it until recently!

There is not too much to Fish Tales in Pinball FX3 (Classic Arcade) other than Jackpots and Super Jackpots but in this guide I show you some tips, tricks, and my strategy that worked for my 1.1 billion game!

The full 15 minute video of the game is available if you want to watch it for context.

Please let me know what you think and how I can improve on it!  Any feedback will be much appreciated!
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Message par wims Ven 7 Fév 2020 - 18:43

C'est super, merci Cloda ! La présentation est top ! Top!

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Message par Cloda Sam 8 Fév 2020 - 21:17

La Fuite : la Grande vitesse II dans le Flipper FX3 (l'Arcade Classique) est rapide et furieux et il n'y a pas trop à cela, mais dans cela les bouts raccourcis, les trucs et le guide de stratégie, j'explique ce qui a travaillé pour moi pour 1.87 milliards de haut score !

Même si j'ai posté un assez bon score, j'ai gaspillé quelques occasions faciles telles qu'un 200 millions de pot manqué et une perte de la boule juste avant la mission de Compresseur. La table a aussi beaucoup de pépins, en impliquant surtout le dériveur de Supercharger lane et s'attarde avant le lancement de boule, tous qui me coûtent beaucoup de points. Heureusement, aucun de ces pépins n'est le brisement de jeu.

C'est mon deuxième guide de stratégie que j'ai fait l'utilisation moins que le format de 10 minutes ainsi s'il vous plaît faites-moi savoir si vous l'aimez et comment je peux m'améliorer. Toute réaction sera très appréciée !

La pleine vidéo de 30 minutes du jeu est disponible si vous voulez le regarder pour le contexte.

The Getaway: High Speed II in Pinball FX3 (Classic Arcade) is fast and furious and there is not too much to it but in this shortened tips, tricks, and strategy guide, I explain what worked for me for 1.87 billion high score!

Even though I posted a pretty good score, I wasted a few easy opportunities such as a missed 200 million jackpot, and losing the ball just before the Supercharger mission. The table also has many glitches, especially involving the Supercharger lane diverter, and delays before the ball launch, all which cost me lots of points. Luckily, none of these glitches are game breaking.

This is my second strategy guide that I've done using a less than 10 minute format so please let me know if you like it and how I can improve. Any feedback will be much appreciated!

The full 30 minute video of the game is available if you want to watch it for context.
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Message par Cloda Mar 8 Sep 2020 - 22:10

Dans ce petit guide pour Williams Red et Ted's Road Show, ma table d'arcade classique Pinball FX3 préférée, je montre et explique ma stratégie pour un score dans le Top 10. La table a beaucoup à faire, et vous avez quelques options de notation différentes ... si vous pouvez rester en vie assez longtemps!

J'ai basé ma stratégie sur le tutoriel PAPA et la feuille de règles pour la vraie table, mais j'ai dû faire quelques ajustements pour s'adapter à ce que vous pouvez faire avec la physique de Zen. Je peux certainement marquer beaucoup mieux sur la table ... si seulement je peux m'améliorer avec ces coups multiplicateurs avancés!

In this short form guide for Williams Red and Ted's Road Show, my favorite Pinball FX3 Classic Arcade table, I show and explain my strategy for a Top 10 score. The table has a lot to it, and you have a few different scoring options... if you can stay alive for long enough!

I based my strategy on the PAPA tutorial and the rule sheet for the real table, but I had to make a few adjustments to accommodate what you can do with Zen's physics. I can certainly score much better on the table... if only I can get better with those advance multiplier shots!

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Message par wims Mar 8 Sep 2020 - 22:40

Super ton nouveau format. C'est ta deuxième vidéo Top10 strategy sur Road show... En tout cas ça donne envie ! C'est une table que je ne connais pas encore bien, il faut que je m'y mette car d'un côté j'arrête pas de râler que les nouvelles tables n'arrivent pas, de l'autre il y a plein que je n'ai pas encore bien comprises.

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Message par Mike85 Lun 14 Sep 2020 - 21:20

Salut à tous je suis de retour après des vacances!! j'ai encore regardé la vidéo de cloda une nouvelle fois et je vais essayer d'augmenter mon score sur black Lagoon!! en suivant la Stratégie de cloda et Wims Very Happy
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Cloda's YouTube videos - Page 2 Empty Re: Cloda's YouTube videos

Message par Cloda Mar 15 Sep 2020 - 15:45

In this short-from guide for Monster Bash in Pinball FX3 Classic Arcade, I show and explain my strategy and some tricks for getting a big score!  The table is not too complicated, but you need to play strategically to get the most out of it.  

It is one of the more accessible tables on Classic Arcade and it is my recommendation for new players that want to learn to play with the realistic Classic Arcade physics.

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Cloda's YouTube videos - Page 2 Empty Re: Cloda's YouTube videos

Message par wims Mar 15 Sep 2020 - 16:01

Parfait Cloda, du coup je m'empresse de la rajouter dans le guide de Monster Bash !

(NB : you dont need to center your youtube bbcode, its automaticaly done)

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Message par FunkySon Mar 15 Sep 2020 - 16:27


Did you make one for Monster Fish ? I don't find it on your Discord.

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Message par Cloda Mar 15 Sep 2020 - 16:38

FunkySon a écrit:Top!

Did you make one for Monster Fish ? I don't find it on your Discord.

Voulez-vous dire Fish Tales? La vidéo fait quelques articles en arrière et puis j'ai une nouvelle vidéo où je joue avec une nouvelle technique (après beaucoup de pratique!).

Do you mean Fish Tales? The video is a few posts back and then I have a new video where I play with new technique (after a lot of practice!).

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Message par FunkySon Mar 15 Sep 2020 - 18:52

Yes Cloda ! Fish Tales ! LOL LOL LOL

I confused the name of the table with the Monster Fish Hurry-up Mode of that table.
This is the one I was looking for to add on the interactive guide I'm trying to make. I took this table as an example.

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Message par Cloda Mar 15 Sep 2020 - 20:11

Haha... cool. Look forward to see the guide!
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Message par Cloda Sam 26 Sep 2020 - 22:58

In this short-from guide for Hurricane in Pinball FX3 Classic Arcade, I show and explain my strategy and some tricks for getting a big score!  The table is not too complicated, but there are a few key factors to getting a big score.  

There are three goals to aim for on the table - PALACE Jackpots, Clown Time, and Multiball.  Over time my focus between the three shifted.  That has mostly to do with figuring out safer shots for hitting the Duck standup targets that you need to lock balls for multiball.

The awesome thing about the multiball, is that you can score big points, but shots also count towards the other modes that you required to start Clown Time e.g. you can still hit the Cat targets and start the Hurricane or get millions from Cyclone.  You can also advance your multipliers.  Everything is a bit frantic, but if you have a good multiball, you can achieve a surprising amount.

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Cloda's YouTube videos - Page 2 Empty Re: Cloda's YouTube videos

Message par wims Dim 27 Sep 2020 - 0:31

Merci cloda ! 10/10 you rocks !

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Message par FunkySon Dim 27 Sep 2020 - 10:18

Again a great video guide. Good job Cloda! Top!

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