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Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness

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Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness Empty Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness

Message par Cloda Lun 7 Oct 2019 - 19:19

In this tips and strategy guide video for Williams Medieval Madness on Classic Arcade in Pinball FX3, I show and explain how you can go about to reach and hopefully complete the Battle for Kingdom wizard mode. I also show a few differences that you need to consider between playing Classic Single Player and Arcade.

The differences between Classic Single Player and Classic Arcade is big on this table and require quite a big change in approach, the biggest of the Williams / Bally tables I have played so far.  There is a key shot, the Castle lock, that is much easier to hit on Classic Single Player and because of that you have an easy multiball to access, that you can use to gain extra balls and to break down the castle doors in a safer manner.

I really enjoy this table, but I also find it relentless on any missed shots in Classic Arcade.  You can go from hero to zero in literally a few minutes.  I’ll definitely play it again in future and have my eye on a much bigger score, but for now I’ll give it a rest and see what else is out there!
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Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness Empty Re: Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness

Message par wims Lun 7 Oct 2019 - 19:27

Good job Cloda ! Top!

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Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness Empty Re: Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness

Message par Cloda Mar 8 Oct 2019 - 9:09

wims a écrit:Good job Cloda ! Top!

Thanks Wims ;-). I'd love to hear what you and the other LUP's club guys think about it and how I can improve. Youtube is not a place where you get a lot of constructive feedback. I'm a research scientist in "real" life and I'm used to get pretty direct feedback on anything I produce, so it is quite a strange experience not getting any feedback (good or bad) ever.
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Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness Empty Re: Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness

Message par wims Mer 9 Oct 2019 - 14:46

I know. I have the same feeling, always waiting for people reactions when I think my work's not so bad. Sometimes it's strange but I understood with time, the most important thing is that you got pleasure to make these videos.

The community around this game is also a little special, on LUP's Club we habe some haters, and some gamers always feel jealousy about your work.

If you dont have any feedbacks here, it's because we dont speak english a lot, so it's not easy to follow a video 1 hour in another langage than our mother tongue. But I'm agree with you, a thumb up or just a word can be enough to comfort the man behind the work.

I dont saw all your Top10 strategy guides but they are excellent.

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Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness Empty Re: Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness

Message par Cloda Mer 9 Oct 2019 - 15:04

wims a écrit:I know. I have the same feeling, always waiting for people reactions when I think my work's not so bad. Sometimes it's strange but I understood with time, the most important thing is that you got pleasure to make these videos.

The community around this game is also a little special, on LUP's Club we habe some haters, and some gamers always feel jealousy about your work.

If you dont have any feedbacks here, it's because we dont speak english a lot, so it's not easy to follow a video 1 hour in another langage than our mother tongue. But I'm agree with you, a thumb up or just a word can be enough to comfort the man behind the work.

I dont saw all your Top10 strategy guides but they are excellent.

Thanks Wims.  I fully understand and I'm sure with my South African Afrikaans influenced English accent, that it will be even harder for you guys to follow KO!

I'm happy with what I'm doing and I'm actually enjoying it a lot so will keep on going.  I've encountered a few of the haters, especially on the Discord and Steam forums, but I just found it funny  Very Happy

Buy the way, your guides are excellent and I always refer to them in my video description and refer to them whenever anybody asks about guides.

PS: You and the other guys are always welcome to just write in French... google translate works well for me ;-)
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