Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
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Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Nouvelle mise à jour 0.1.4 (54994)
On voit également des améliorations visiuelles de l'interface et de nouveaux badges et background de personnalisation de profil.
Zen Studios a écrit:A new version (0.1.4(54994) is available in Pinball FX Early Access with multiple fixes for tables and the Summer Season!
Check out the details:
Summer Classics
- Updated the Season Banner
- Events that are part of the season and their rewards will be highlighted
- Made adjustments to the Reward Timeline
- Improved the controller support on the Events interface
- The “My Score” filter will now correctly highlight your scores on the event leaderboards
Grimm Tales
- Fixed the infinite ball saver issue during Crystal Multiball and Jet Multiball
- Adjusted the combo shot texts on the HD display
- The flippers were updated with their original sound
- The ruthless returning rubber ducks are now finally deflated
Theatre of Magic
- Physics adjustments: Insta-catching the ball after successful ramp shots will happen less often
- The timing of the Hocus Pocus magnet has been adjusted
Black Rose
- Fixed special effects that still occurred in classic mode:
Cannon enhancements
A sparkling visual effect on the left side of the playfield
Coins flying over the playfield resulting splash effect on the right plastic
Globe spinning sound effect- Fixed the ROM audio crackling during certain parts of the game
- The size of the pop-up scores has been adjusted
- Fixed a bug when the ball could get stuck in the plunger area
The Machine: Bride of Pin·Bot
- Further adjusted the head orientation after going into or exiting Table Guide/Manual Camera
- The little screw in the bottom right corner of the face will now turn with the platform
Cirqus Voltaire
- When the Ringmaster is defeated, the Side Show won’t start automatically
- Fixed a bug when you only received one jackpot if two balls landed under the Ringmaster at the same time during Ringmaster Frenzie Multiball
Jurassic Park Mayhem
- The water drops will be displayed correctly on the Triceratops mini-playfield in wet conditions.
Star Wars Pinball: The Clone Wars
- The power of the right kickback has been reduced, preventing the high percentage of ballouts after ejection
On voit également des améliorations visiuelles de l'interface et de nouveaux badges et background de personnalisation de profil.
Dernière édition par FunkySon le Jeu 15 Fév 2024 - 19:34, édité 1 fois
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Et enfin une visualisation adaptée au format portrait pour les évènements.
Enfin en parti, on voit entièrement la partie gauche maintenant mais on ne voit pas la partie droite avec les boutons d'accès au leaderboard de l'évènement et le nombre de tentatives.
C'est bien ça. ça avance.
Enfin en parti, on voit entièrement la partie gauche maintenant mais on ne voit pas la partie droite avec les boutons d'accès au leaderboard de l'évènement et le nombre de tentatives.
C'est bien ça. ça avance.
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Désormais on peut également naviguer avec le contrôleur sur les tournois des autres joueurs sans blocage.
Avant ça ne marchait plus après avoir participer à un tournoi. A part prendre la souris (galère sur pincab)
Par contre on ne peut toujours par faire "rejouer" sur les tournois avec mot de passe. Il faut à chaque fois ressortir et relancer.
Avant ça ne marchait plus après avoir participer à un tournoi. A part prendre la souris (galère sur pincab)
Par contre on ne peut toujours par faire "rejouer" sur les tournois avec mot de passe. Il faut à chaque fois ressortir et relancer.
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Sympa les nouveaux badges !
J'espère qu'ils n'ont pas trop changé les règles des summer classics, quand ils disent avoir modifié les timelines. C'était déjà short pour moi pour récupérer tous les items à mon retour de vacances, je crois bien que je vais l'avoir dans le baba.
Sinon dommage aussi, pour les correctifs de bugs, il manque Han Solo (Fast junk mission impossible à terminer), Boba Fett (rééquilibrer la difficulté, car tous les tirs d'orbites finissent entre les flips), et toujours Jurrasic Park Mayhem (problème avec l'aimant de la grue).
J'espère qu'ils n'ont pas trop changé les règles des summer classics, quand ils disent avoir modifié les timelines. C'était déjà short pour moi pour récupérer tous les items à mon retour de vacances, je crois bien que je vais l'avoir dans le baba.
Sinon dommage aussi, pour les correctifs de bugs, il manque Han Solo (Fast junk mission impossible à terminer), Boba Fett (rééquilibrer la difficulté, car tous les tirs d'orbites finissent entre les flips), et toujours Jurrasic Park Mayhem (problème avec l'aimant de la grue).
wims- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Non ils ont juste modifié le visuel de la timeline (qui était affreux avant). Et donner plus d'explications sur les points (ce qui est bien).
Tu devrais arriver au bout. Car je pense que c'est 2 points par tentative par exemple. Je te confirmerai ça.
Et j'espère que les bugs que tu cites seront corrigés par la suite. Je crois qu'il faut vraiment les reporter sur le discord ou le support (disponible depuis le menu du jeu).
Tu devrais arriver au bout. Car je pense que c'est 2 points par tentative par exemple. Je te confirmerai ça.
Et j'espère que les bugs que tu cites seront corrigés par la suite. Je crois qu'il faut vraiment les reporter sur le discord ou le support (disponible depuis le menu du jeu).
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Bon je te confirme c'est 2 points par tentatives.
Et vu qu'il y a des évènements qui sont avec essais illimités cette semaine, autant te dire que tu peux clore l'évènement de l'été en 1 jour (si tu es motivé ^^)
Et vu qu'il y a des évènements qui sont avec essais illimités cette semaine, autant te dire que tu peux clore l'évènement de l'été en 1 jour (si tu es motivé ^^)
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Oui ça aide si effectivement ils laissent les tentatives illimitées, y'a plus de problème !
wims- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Nouveau patch
Zen Studios a écrit:
A new patch ( is available in Pinball FX Early Access bringing you Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball, and fixes related to user-generated tournaments and controllers.
Let’s see the details:
New Table:
- Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball is now available in Pinball FX Early Access
Controller-related fixes:
- Switching between the All Time and the Weekly leaderboards is now possible with a controller
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to scroll/go out of the focus on the Profile Customization page
- Added button hints to the achievement and table award menus on the Progression page
- Opening your profile page with a controller should work flawlessly
- Rationalized values in user-generated tournaments (Timed Challenges)
- Adjusted the default values on the “Create” your tournament page
Other Fixes:
- The name of the Monster Bash table award is now displayed correctly
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Détail du patch 0.1.6(58477)
Zen Studios a écrit:
A new patch (0.1.6(58477)) is available in Pinball FX Early Access bringing you 13 additional tables to the game along with the Pro Mode for Williams tables and performance optimizations of Star Wars Pinball tables! In this patch, we moved the Pinball Pass to an in-game purchasable item along with Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball.
New Tables
- Hasbro's My Little Pony
Star Wars Pinball
- Star Wars Pinball: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
- Star Wars Pinball: Darth Vader
- Star Wars Pinball: Starfighter Assault
- Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens
- Star Wars Pinball: Might of the First Order
- Star Wars Pinball: Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Pinball: Rogue One
- Star Wars Pinball: The Last Jedi
- Star Wars Pinball: Ahch-To Island
- Star Wars Pinball: Solo
- Star Wars Pinball: Battle of Mimban
- Star Wars Pinball: Calrissian Chronicles
Pinball Pass
- We have decided to make the Pinball Pass a non-recurring in-game purchase. As part of that change, which starts today, we are moving away from using Xsolla as a service. The new Pinball Pass will be purchasable with tickets from the in-game store. After the period of 30 days or 1 year, you may purchase it again, the next purchase will not recur automatically. If you are a current Pinball Pass subscriber, you should not experience any interruptions to your service and you will receive a 7-day bonus to your subscription.
1 Day Option
- We implemented a 1-day Pinball Pass option for 15 tickets which could be perfect for a gaming evening
- A new offer for 150 tickets became available. This offer grants you an easier way to access a 1-month Pinball Pass subscription and gives you more ways to purchase tables for tickets.
Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball
- Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball is moving to the Pinball FX in-game shop today. If you have purchased the table already, you will be entitled to the in-game version automatically.
Other Additions
- Pro Mode is now available on Williams Pinball tables*
- Performance optimization of Star Wars Pinball tables
Table Fixes
Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball
- Fixed a bug when the ball didn’t eject from the scoop when the skillshot was lit
- Fixed an error, when the ball got stuck during a Carrier Multiball lock
- The ball saver will no longer activate when the ball rolls back from the right orbit
- Fixed logo resolutions on the HD Display
- The ball will no longer get stuck in the kickbacks when the table is tilted
- Fixed a bug when the ball got hung up on the blue rail behind the saucer
The Party Zone
- Fixed a multiball bug when multiple shots to the left ramp soft locked the table
- Fixed an error when two balls could get stuck in the saucer
- Adjusted the manual camera view
- The WOOC gate is now only one-way
Black Rose
- Fixed an error, when the ball could get stuck in the plunging area if it didn’t reach the playfield at Ball 3
- The orientation of the “W” has been corrected on the flippers
Tales of the Arabian Nights
- The orientation of the plastic snake has been fixed on the skillshot area
- Fixed an issue when the ball could get stuck in the right slingshot
- The holder of the Bazaar targets have been extended
Red and Ted's Road Show
- Insta-catching the ball will be more challenging after successful ramp shots
- Explosive effects will no longer appear when Visual Extras are turned off
The Champion Pub
- The ball won’t leave the playfield after a deadly right hook from Knuckle O’Brian
Safe Cracker
- Fixed the collision detection of the upper gate, becoming only one way as it is supposed to be.
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
The following visual extras will no longer appear in “Visual Extras Off”
- Glow effect from the Ark of the Covenant
- Glow effect from the Medallion
- Glow effect from the Idol
- Tank firing effect on the apron
- Smoke from the Dogfight explosion
No Good Gofers
- Fixed an issue when the ball can skip the landing area in the Putting Green scoop
- The rocket effects will no longer appear during “Visual Extras Off”
Dr. Dude and His Excellent Ray
- The Magnetic Personality plastic texture is now transparent
Star Wars Pinball: The Mandalorian
- Fixed a bug when the ball could get stuck in the thrusters
- Fixed the HD Display sign when you max out the IG-11 target
Star Wars Pinball: Classic Collectibles
- Adjusted the physics so the ball will return to the top flippers
*Except for Williams The Machine: Bride of Pin·Bot its Pro Mode implementation will happen in the near future
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
FunkySon a écrit:Détail du patch 0.1.6(58477)
Table Fixes
Homeworld️: Journey to Hiigara Pinball
- The ball will no longer get stuck in the kickbacks when the table is tilted
Star Wars Pinball: The Mandalorian
- Fixed the HD Display sign when you max out the IG-11 target
Star Wars Pinball: Classic Collectibles
- Adjusted the physics so the ball will return to the top flippers
Je suis content car ces 3 là ça vient de moi. Par contre dommage, toujours pas de patch pour la mission tas de ferraille impossible sur Han Solo.
wims- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Détails du patch 0.1.7 (60334) :
Bon je suis content, enfin ils ont fixé le problème avec la grue sur JP Mayhem.
Par contre ils n'ont pas tout corrigé sur Starfighter Assault, il reste le problème de l'amélioration du gros vaisseau qui apparait 2 fois, et de la mission Chasseur Solo impossible à terminer (trophée également impossible).
Zen Studios a écrit:A new patch (0.1.7 (60334)) is available in Pinball FX Early Access bringing you the fully authentic World Cup Soccer table and many bugfixes.
New Table
- Williams World Cup Soccer is now available in Pinball FX Early Access
- Pro Mode is now available on The Machine: Bride of Pin·Bot
- Fixed a bug that caused a black screen problem when you launched the game in portrait mode (please note that portrait mode is still not supported officially in the game)
Table Fixes
Jurassic Park Pinball Mayhem
- Adjusted the Crane’s movement mechanism
Star Wars Pinball: Starfighter Assault
- Fixed a detection problem of a rollover at the left kickback
- The 2nd phase of Mission 4 should give you medals after the patch
- Fixed a bug when the top bumper sent back the ball to the ramp
Swords of Fury
- Fixed the Attract Mode - Enter Initials screen conflict, so you should be able to enter your name without any problems
White Water
- Fixed an issue that caused the table to stuck if you launched a ball instantly in Pro Mode
Star Wars Pinball: Droids
- Minor fixes
As always, thank you very much for all your reports, please keep them coming!
Bon je suis content, enfin ils ont fixé le problème avec la grue sur JP Mayhem.
Par contre ils n'ont pas tout corrigé sur Starfighter Assault, il reste le problème de l'amélioration du gros vaisseau qui apparait 2 fois, et de la mission Chasseur Solo impossible à terminer (trophée également impossible).
wims- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Détails du patch :
Zen Studios a écrit:
New Table
• Wrath of the Elder Gods is now available in Pinball FX Early Access
New Feature
• Friend Score Chase: Notifications will pop up once you get closer to your highscore or your friend’s score! You can easily turn on/off this feature in the settings menu
• From now on, you can check out tables’ leaderboards and awards directly in the pause menu
• Player profiles will be stored separately, so using multiple profiles won’t affect your in-game progress in the future
Bug Fixes
Williams World Cup Soccer
• The spinner should register hits correctly
• Fixed the attract mode behavior on the table
• The cabinet’s shadow has been fixed in the PinHall
Star Wars Pinball: Battle of Mimban
• Fixed the behavior of the Wookie target in the Penal Pit sidemode
Williams Medieval Madness
• Fixed the extra ball system, and limited the obtainable amount of extra balls to 5. We reset the classic leaderboard on Medieval Madness as we would like to give a fair chance to everyone going forward.
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Patches 1.0.4.(76472) (Steam) and 1.0.4.(76434) (Epic Games)
Plus d'infos ici :
Plus d'infos ici :
Zen Studios a écrit:
Game fixes:
Fixed an issue where the Master Volume settings weren't affecting the Williams Tables
Fixed an issue where the '9 Zeroes' and 'Challenge Accepted' achievements were granted right at the game start (Steam only)
Fixed an issue where key bindings and Cabinet Mode DMD, Backglass settings didn't save after restarting
Fixed an issue where the player would see their own profile when clicking on a friend's profile (Steam only)
Twilight Zone:
Fixed an issue on Twilight Zone where the ball could get stuck in the plunger, resulting in the table stalling
Fixed an issue on Twilight Zone where the left return lane was not properly modeled after the original machine
Fixed an issue on Twilight Zone where the ball could completely miss the Piano switch
More fixes are coming, our team is hard at work delivering more improvements!
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Nouveau patch 1.0.5.
Pour Les joueurs Playstation d'abord et ensuite pour les autres plateformes.
Plus d'infos ici :
Pour Les joueurs Playstation d'abord et ensuite pour les autres plateformes.
Plus d'infos ici :
Zen Studios a écrit:
Added new filters to My Tables - FREE and Pinball Pass filters
My Tables filters are now being saved and properly loaded after restarting the game
Playable tables will now show up with a colorized icon even if they are not downloaded, to better show accessibility,
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone: Powerball now should not skip through the lock saucer
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Wireform endpoint going to the left return lane now looks more like the endpoint on the right side.
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed a possible ball drain to locked table issue
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed an issue where a ball not leaving the plunger and rolling back would stall the table
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Added more sensitivity to the left ramp switch/gate
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Ball now has less chance to miss the Player Piano
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Gumball machine
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone -Stuck ball mechanic now should read stuck balls inside the Gumball Machine correctly
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed the DMD showing up in French with Spanish language set
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Power Field action camera is now disabled when playing without enhancements
Godzilla Pinball:
Godzilla Pinball - Adjusted the slingshot and inlane, outlane rubbers
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed a mode title in the Table Guide
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed an issue where a missed skillshot could result in a drain
Godzilla Pinball - Adjusted nudging on the table
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed an issue where Free View could interfere with the display
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball - Adjusted display size at game start
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball - Fixed an issue where when the game ended, the ball count went to Ball 4 on the display
Kong Pinball:
Kong Pinball - Bumper strength adjusted
Crypt of the NecroDancer Pinball
Crypt of the NecroDancer Pinball - Fixed an issue where pausing and unpausing the game could interfere with the music
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Playfield General Illumination adjustments
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Backbox General illumination adjustments
Sorcerer's Lair
Sorcerer's Lair - Pro Physics adjustments
Thank you to all who reported, many of these were community-reported issues. Please keep it up and we can make these tables run the best they can!
The Zen Team
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Est-ce qu'ils envisagent de rétablir les scores locaux ?
C'est quand même un gros manque pour les parties en famille...
C'est quand même un gros manque pour les parties en famille...
Panam-game- LUPien timide
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Aucune idée... mais je suis d'accord avec toi !
Flipman a écrit:Est-ce qu'ils envisagent de rétablir les scores locaux ?
C'est quand même un gros manque pour les parties en famille...
Aucune idée... mais je suis d'accord avec toi !
wims- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Oui je pense qu'ils travaillent dessus @Flipman.
Je crois me rappeler qu'ils en ont parlé.
Je crois me rappeler qu'ils en ont parlé.
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Bueno cette mise à jour!
Je peux enfin télécharger les démos et donc avoir accès aux tables sur les évènements libre
Je découvre le flipper avec les tentacules (J'ai oublié le nom), pas mal du tout...
Je peux enfin télécharger les démos et donc avoir accès aux tables sur les évènements libre
Je découvre le flipper avec les tentacules (J'ai oublié le nom), pas mal du tout...
Panam-game- LUPien timide
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
voilà la liste des modifs arrivées avec le nouveau patch :
Pinball FX - Patch Notes (1.0.6)
dropping 3 tables on you with a long list of fixes and improvements (PS4: 1.0.6 (80857) / PS5: 1.0.6 (80843) / Xbox One: 1.0.6 (81668) / Xbox Series S|X: 1.0.6 (81686) / Epic Games Store: 1.0.7 (82185) / Steam: 1.0.7 (82182) ) . Check ‘em out:
New tables - All Platforms
Williams Pinball: WhirlwindHonor & Legacy Pack: A Samurai’s Vengeance + Verne’s Mysterious Island
New features - on PC
Cabinet Mode: native support for DMDExtensions by freezy - a toolbox for digital pinball and dot matrix displays.
Cabinet Mode: Added command line parameters: the game can now be started on the selected table in the desired game mode.
Support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 and Intel XeSS (Xe Super Sampling) technologies on qualified GPUs -> for improved performance.
**Table fixes - All Platforms (these fixes were released on PlayStation week of May 8)**
Sorcerer's Lair - Pro Physics adjustments
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone: Powerball now should not skip through the lock saucer
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Wireform endpoint going to the left return lane now looks more like the endpoint at the right side.
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed a possible ball drain to locked table issue
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed an issue where a ball not leaving the plunger and rolling back would stall the table
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Added more sensitivity to the left ramp switch/gate
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Gumball machine
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Ball now has less chance to miss the Player Piano
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone -Stuck ball mechanic now should read stuck balls inside the Gumball Machine correctly
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed the DMD showing up in French with Spanish language set
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Power Field action camera is now disable when playing without enhancements
Godzilla Pinball - Adjusted the slingshot and inlane, outlane rubbers
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed a mode title in the Table Guide
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed an issue where a missed skillshot could result in a drainGodzilla Pinball - Adjusted nudging on the table
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed an issue where Free View could interfere with the display
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball - Adjusted display size at game start
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball - Fixed an issue where when the game ended, the ball count went to Ball 4 on the display
Kong Pinball - Bumper strength adjusted
Crypt of the NecroDancer Pinball - Fixed an issue where pausing and unpausing the game could interfere with the music
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Playfield General Illumination adjustments
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Backbox General illumination adjustments
Pinball FX - Patch Notes (1.0.6)
dropping 3 tables on you with a long list of fixes and improvements (PS4: 1.0.6 (80857) / PS5: 1.0.6 (80843) / Xbox One: 1.0.6 (81668) / Xbox Series S|X: 1.0.6 (81686) / Epic Games Store: 1.0.7 (82185) / Steam: 1.0.7 (82182) ) . Check ‘em out:
New tables - All Platforms
Williams Pinball: WhirlwindHonor & Legacy Pack: A Samurai’s Vengeance + Verne’s Mysterious Island
New features - on PC
Cabinet Mode: native support for DMDExtensions by freezy - a toolbox for digital pinball and dot matrix displays.
Cabinet Mode: Added command line parameters: the game can now be started on the selected table in the desired game mode.
Support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 and Intel XeSS (Xe Super Sampling) technologies on qualified GPUs -> for improved performance.
**Table fixes - All Platforms (these fixes were released on PlayStation week of May 8)**
Sorcerer's Lair - Pro Physics adjustments
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone: Powerball now should not skip through the lock saucer
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Wireform endpoint going to the left return lane now looks more like the endpoint at the right side.
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed a possible ball drain to locked table issue
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed an issue where a ball not leaving the plunger and rolling back would stall the table
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Added more sensitivity to the left ramp switch/gate
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Gumball machine
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Ball now has less chance to miss the Player Piano
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone -Stuck ball mechanic now should read stuck balls inside the Gumball Machine correctly
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Fixed the DMD showing up in French with Spanish language set
Williams Pinball: Twilight Zone - Power Field action camera is now disable when playing without enhancements
Godzilla Pinball - Adjusted the slingshot and inlane, outlane rubbers
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed a mode title in the Table Guide
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed an issue where a missed skillshot could result in a drainGodzilla Pinball - Adjusted nudging on the table
Godzilla Pinball - Fixed an issue where Free View could interfere with the display
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball - Adjusted display size at game start
Godzilla vs. Kong Pinball - Fixed an issue where when the game ended, the ball count went to Ball 4 on the display
Kong Pinball - Bumper strength adjusted
Crypt of the NecroDancer Pinball - Fixed an issue where pausing and unpausing the game could interfere with the music
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Playfield General Illumination adjustments
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Backbox General illumination adjustments
tritium- LUPien pro
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Merci d'avoir pris le relais tri.
De retour de mon périple, j'ai de la lecture et le Pinball Bites à regarder.
De retour de mon périple, j'ai de la lecture et le Pinball Bites à regarder.
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Nouveau patch 1.07
Zen Studios a écrit:
Hi Pinball Fans,
we are here with a surprise patch - with a huge amount of fixes! Let me highlight a few:
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind with many fixes
Nvidia DLLS is now implemented for better performance
See the full list here:
Button hints now correctly display on the news panel
PC: External Dotmatrix animations will now display correctly while using cabinet mode
Fixed: PC: The Mouse cursor stayed on-screen while playing on any table
PC: After changing resolution or display mode, a confirmation window with a countdown will appear
PC: Implemented Nvidia DLSS
PC: Implemented code optimization that might lower input lag on several devices
Quick search with Tournament ID will now be functional
Mysterious Island:
Mysterious Island - Lava Sands Path will now properly open as intended
Mysterious Island - Fixed an issue where Workshop could stall the table
Mysterious Island - Fixed the Skillshot display message in French
Mysterious Island - Fixed an issue where a second Extra Ball was not properly given
Mysterious Island - Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Volcano
Mysterious Island - The table will now keep track of whether or not crafting is lit when it shifts to night mode
Mysterious Island - Sound duplication fixesMysterious Island - Fixed a typo in the status report
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Table Guide Correction
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where the HUD was missing the Super Cellar Door values beneath the score display.
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fan will now properly spin up top
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Audio fixes
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Backglass View is now available in flyover before a game starts.
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Flasher at the center of the compass fix
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Extra balls are now disable in One Ball Challenge
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Full power plunges will not send the ball up the side ramp
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where the ball could stay too long on the ramp
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Table will nor properly award points for Extra Balls in 1 Ball Challenge
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where the wrong Flasher would light up on occasion
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Left Outlane
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where the ball could jettison out of the table in the back right of the table
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where the spinner could jettison the ball off the table
Williams Pinball: Whirlwind: Fixed an issue where Extra Ball was served incorrectly
Kong Pinball
Kong Pinball - Fixed an issue with the outlane posts
Kong Pinball - Adjusted the size of the ships in Follow Kong
Kong Pinball - Fixed an issue where the Extra Ball was not awarded in the Inlane Scoop
Kong Pinball - Fixed various Display issues
A Samurai’s Vengeance
A Samurai's Vengeance - Fixed an issue where Tanuki battle could result in a soft lock of the table
A Samurai's Vengeance - Fixed a soft lock - multiball issue
A Samurai's Vengeance - Ball returns are now optimized
Grimm Tales
Grimm Tales - Fixed and issue where Extra Balls were not awarded properly
Grimm Tales - Fixed an issue where the Castle Door could cause the game to stall
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Fixed an issue where the table could stall on 144hz
Williams Pinball: Fish Tales - Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Video Mode Scoop
FunkySon- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
FunkySon a écrit:Nouveau patch 1.07Zen Studios a écrit:
Mysterious Island:
Mysterious Island - Lava Sands Path will now properly open as intended
Mysterious Island - Fixed an issue where Workshop could stall the table
Mysterious Island - Fixed the Skillshot display message in French
Mysterious Island - Fixed an issue where a second Extra Ball was not properly given
Mysterious Island - Fixed an issue where the ball could get stuck in the Volcano
Mysterious Island - The table will now keep track of whether or not crafting is lit when it shifts to night mode
Mysterious Island - Sound duplication fixesMysterious Island - Fixed a typo in the status report
Ah bah c'est pas mal, mais ils en ont oubliés.
wims- Admin
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Oui bordel enfin ^^
Avant sans le dlss et sans ray-tracing : j'avais dans les 130 fps
Avec le ray-tracing = 30-40...
Now ray-tracing et dlss = 120-130 fps
Sur PC, c'était complètement con de sortir du ray-tracing sans ces technologies.
Avant sans le dlss et sans ray-tracing : j'avais dans les 130 fps
Avec le ray-tracing = 30-40...
Now ray-tracing et dlss = 120-130 fps
Sur PC, c'était complètement con de sortir du ray-tracing sans ces technologies.
Rolero- LUPien amateur
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Y'a que moi ou depuis la mise à jour l'indicateur de succès s'affiche pour plein de tables sur lesquelles on a pas le succès ?
zKnight79- LUPien confirmé
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Si tu as joué des événements sur des tables que tu ne possédais pas, suite à l'achat tu récupères tes goodies et le cumul d'XP
ComputerOpera- LUPien bavard
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Tu as raison!
Je n'ai jamais eu la récompense de mummy, l'ile mysterieuse, wrath , sky pirate!
tout à l'heure il n'y avait pas les médailles de récompenses et tout d'un coup elles sont apparues
Après vérification, je n'ai pas les objets de collection correspondants dans la collection, uniquement les médailles qui s'affichent et disparaissent quand on revient plusieurs fois sur l'écran de nos plateaux.
Je n'ai jamais eu la récompense de mummy, l'ile mysterieuse, wrath , sky pirate!
tout à l'heure il n'y avait pas les médailles de récompenses et tout d'un coup elles sont apparues
Après vérification, je n'ai pas les objets de collection correspondants dans la collection, uniquement les médailles qui s'affichent et disparaissent quand on revient plusieurs fois sur l'écran de nos plateaux.
ComputerOpera- LUPien bavard
Re: Pinball FX / M : Mises à jour
Oui pareil, j'ai reporté le bug au moment de la mise à jour.
Mais chez moi tout est re-rentré dans l'ordre.
Mais chez moi tout est re-rentré dans l'ordre.
wims- Admin
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